Visual tools for teachers. Sponsored for Teach for Malaysia

1st “visual tools workshop” for teachers successfully delivered for 45 participants. Thanks to the collaboration with #TeachForMalaysia
With the pandemic, LOG shifted online and breaking down our traditional 2 days LOG workshop into some bite-size 2 hours workshop. Today we covered the basic O-Organisation. More mini LOG to come soon.

– Feedback 1:1 with teachers was great, it was a big learning point for them. It was a realization point for many of them in terms of what to consider, what to avoid. Can see teachers applying this from the get go!
– Hands-on experience was good to get teachers to start practicing what you’ve shared
– Key message was very strong
– Noticed that some teachers are already very very curious about font and colour selection, which is a great move into future topics!
– Edison Kit: I find this pre-course session very interesting and informative. I would like to find out more after attend.
– I like the way you dissect the process and your eyes on the details