Genechain 100 百年基业行动学习 图像同步同传 北京
百年基业行动学习, 在北京举办的第10届组织与人才发展年会。我们有幸被邀为几位行动学习和引导专家,做图像同步同传, 也是个双语中英图像记录。值得一提的是,组织单位愿意让我带上我北京的LOG图像记录伙伴们,让大家有正式上场实践的机会,大家受益不浅。
Genechain GENE100 Beijing is the leading provider of Action Learning services in China. TAK-TIK had the honour to graphic recorded the interesting speeches of experts in action learning & facilitation. This lengthy scribe of 10 over meters are done with the participation of my Beijing LOG workshop graduates, who were given the chance by Genechain to learn-by-doing. Great opportunity for all.