BEBESEA | Better Engagement Between East and Southeast asia

Lack of access to social protection continues to place migrant workers in vulnerable positions in both countries of origin and destination. In March 2022, BEBESEA published a report “Strengthening Health Protection for Migrant Workers in East and Southeast Asia: A Three Case Analysis”. This report published in March 2022 is based on extensive desk research and a focus group discussion (FGD) with academics, CSO practitioners, and government representatives. This study analyses policies in place in order to protect migrant workers in three migration corridors (Indonesia – Malaysia & Singapore, Cambodia – Thailand, Vietnam – Japan) and their implementation as well as impact to the health rights of migrant workers. Although this study enabled deepening understanding of what is “on papers” as well as insights on implementations of these policies and relevant practices from academics and practitioners, there is a lack of perspectives of migrant worker communities into analysis.