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TAK-TIK team has motivated the audience at our event with their unique live graphic recording skill set of bringing the sessions to live. Really impressed with the work.
Thank you very much for your whiteboard animation video – the event was a great success – we have many people praising the video you provided. Also, the last video frame on launching looked great. I appreciate your support and hope we have more opportunities to work with you in the future.
Tikka is a wonderful and energetic woman, Her passion and talent are two main key points that made our collaboration beautiful. Her commitment to TEDxPetalingStreet was commendable. We had volunteers helping her on the graphic recording and her guidance and teaching gave these volunteers invaluable experience. We are proud to have her as part of our TEDx family.
We are delighted to have engaged Tak-Tik.com to provide graphic recording in the Hong Kong Positive Education Conference 2018. It was amazing to witness how effectively Tikka communicated the ideas of the six brilliant keynote speakers in forms of graphics. Our speakers were really pleased to see their impacts in this form. Tikka distinguishes herself with professionalism, creativity, and friendliness, not to mention she is among the few who is able to scribe speeches in English, Mandarin, and Cantonese. We look forward to seeing her again very soon.
非常荣幸能够邀请到TAK-TIK为Business4Better China Summit企业对接公益高峰论坛做现场图形传译。作为该领域的专家,Tikka精通中英双语,有极强的概括能力及优秀的图形表达能力,她将演讲者的演讲重点化为一幅幅生动有趣色彩鲜艳的图画,给现场观众做了印象深刻的归纳总结,成为当天活动的一大亮点。
Tikka is professional, incredibly committed and delivers fabulous graphic facilitation work! She is always flexible whether it be about dates for working together, or handling last minute changes in the programme schedule. She is dependable, there early and stays late if need be.Her presence, both professionally – in terms of her creation as well as her quiet switched-on personality enriched our learning space and the bond of the group. Time and time again, she takes feedback in step with the utmost commitment to delivering a high quality scribe.Not only do I enjoy working with her, but think that her role and her way of thinking improved the clarity of our programme presentation.
Our company had arranged TAK-TIK to run series of trainings in Russia. We are much looking forward to do it again. We are highly satisfied, the feedback from students ranges from “happy” to “ecstatic” and people are asking us when will Tikka be back again.
Tikka is a natural teacher, her trainings are most informative, engaging, with lots of practice. She is very sincere in delivering what she had learned in her extensive practice and her experience is unique, & not available from any written source, also it is useful all around the globe within any culture. She thoroughly prepares her trainings, putting a lot of thought into every detail, and in course of training she manages to pay individual attention to every student, working like a personal coach, looking for individual preferences and talents and helping students to become aware of personal styles and improve them.
Of the people who had been on her trainings in Russia, 3 had founded a graphic facilitation company, 2 had became visual practitioners working on large project, and 1 is hired as a scriber in our team. There are probably many more success stories we don’t know about yet.
Tikka, thank you very much! Your training career is high-rocketing, and it is great that you love what you do